Hey there! I’m Andrew Dugan! I’m from Augusta, GA but spent the first 9 years of my life bouncing around from country to country as the only child of a single father in the Navy.

I did not grow up in the church or around much conversation of the Gospel, and as a result, much of my life mirrored that quite clearly, with me drowning in selfish tendencies often seeking attention from others in manipulative or even pathological lying habits. The older I got, the more problematic I saw this to be and thus wanted to “live better” to “make God happy” etc. When I couldn’t, I began to sink into patterns of shame and self hatred, realizing that even if Jesus did die for me as a friend kept telling me over and over again, it didn’t matter because I was so far past that and didn’t deserve anything Jesus could have ever done for me. It was in that moment that I ran into the most beautiful that one could ever imagine- grace. On my 16th birthday, my friend finally told me, “you’re right. You don’t deserve anything from God. Nobody does. That’s the point. God loves you so much that he sent Jesus to die for you anyways.” This idea of grace began to grip me and reshape my life through my college years.

I studied religion at the University of Georgia for four years, where God drew me to Prince Avenue Baptist Church to serve both him and his people in a variety of ways. It was during this period of my life that I began learning more about this all powerful Creator and King and loving Father that I had while also learning more about what it means to live on mission, telling others about this beautiful news that had changed my life. Through that, God began to burden me for a church that would have two visual aspects- 1) it would look like the city it was in, and 2) it would look a little more like the Kingdom of Heaven. Realizing that God is calling all people to himself and making them one body out of many nations means that we are to be unified with those of various cultural backgrounds. It also means that we are to be burdened for the millions that currently reside in countries that have no access to this Good News and be moved to take it to them.

These desires culminated with my current position as God has given me the opportunity to teach prospective members, equip and train city group leaders, reach international students, and send and care for members and groups who seek to pursue Jesus' glory to the ends of the Earth.

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on Earth, your saving power among all nations.” Psalm 67: 1-2